Friday, April 11, 2008


Enough about the ticks, please do not abjudicate us of what we really want. We do not want to hear about your gnostic sense of fire ants versus ticks in the battle of control over our fears. We don't want to pleasantly peruse through the prevailing cultural wars that seem so prevalent in your context. What we want --- all of your fans --- is to see the shoes. We have been hanging on to your every word --- checking your blog every day --- in hopes that you would give us at least a glimpse. And what have you done? Talked about ticks, donuts, kites, worms, ants ..... Let us all rise up with one voice --- speaking the same language --- building again the great tower of Babel --- to say to DeAnne: "give us shoes, give us shoes, give us shoes." That is what we want. Please, please, please.

your biggest fan.