Saturday, April 26, 2008

A proud mommy

Last night, the HEAR group had a demonstration night for all those interested. I signed Peter up to recite Psalm 23. He has been learning that in Spring. I had visions of a grand science board but well that just didn't happen. Last week in the matter of basically one day, Peter also memorized Psalm 24. He stood tall and still and loudly recited in front of about 30 people both Psalm 23 and 24. I was so proud. After taking in the size of the crowd for a few seconds he began his recitation and didn't hardly pause until he was through. I was glad he didn't get confused because I'm not sure if I could have helped him!!

He is very proud of his certificate and has his sights on next year's event. He wants to do a science project and get a trophy!

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