Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Friends often ask me who is Ryan the most like: Peter or Emma.
When Peter was 2 years old, he was attached to his thumb and blue blankie. I don't think we had to travel everywhere with his blankie but he definitely needed it when he slept. When Emma was 2, I don't really remember her being attached to anything. She has never been dependent on her blankie, didn't have a paci or suck her thumb. She does have a few stuffed animals that rotate through in importance.

Ryan is beginning to really develop some attachments. Currently he's attached to my purse. I realize that some would be concerned with their son being attached to a purse. I might be concerned but you can usually find a monster truck or a matchbox car in his hand or in my purse! I guess his brother and sister are both rubbing off on him.

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