Saturday, May 31, 2008

you know you've had a long night

If you haven't read the previous post- start there first.
Emma woke up at 7am; Ryan awoke at 8:15 and Peter slept until 8:30am. I have emphasized with the parents, all morning, whose children are constantly over tired. It is not fun!

You know your two year old is tried when at 11:30 am he has a breakdown because you get a drop of water on his arm, he wants a kiss for it, takes a dish towel to wipe it off and then decides that it would just be better if he lays down on the kitchen floor with the dish towel and take a "nap".

At that point, I decided it wasn't worth trying to give him any lunch! It was nap time.

Peter and Emma made it through an early lunch and are both having a "closed eyed" nap that started at 12:30pm.

A late night is fun for every once in a while but it definitely won't become routine in our home.

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