Monday, May 19, 2008

Birthday news

Tomorrow is my birthday. The big 31. I am officially in my 30s.

Having come back from a wonderful trip to England, there's not much a girl could ask for. However, I didn't want to leave Philip completely empty handed. I did ask that he plan, prepare, shop, cook, and clean up for my birthday dinner. I didn't think that was too much to ask and NO he couldn't take me out.

We had a hot dog lunch at church and Philip was sharing with some folks about my request. They were kindly giving him some advice about what to serve. Hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, hamburger helper- gross things. I kindly informed them that he wasn't allowed to prepare me anything prepacked or processed- nothing that I wouldn't serve for him.
Branden our friend that eats with us every Tuesday then came up with what I think was the winner. Steak Fajitas! Sounds yummy to me. Philip proceeded to invite all who were at the table with us. So now we are having a full fledged party. It is making me a bit nervous!


Buckingham Palace said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! dinner sounds yummy!!!

and i agree with Mandy, that fort below is freakin amazing! In case of war, i'm coming to your house so your kids can protect me!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, DeAnne!!!