Friday, July 25, 2008

Swimming Lessons complete!

Here are the kids with Ms. Kelly. She was Emma's teacher this summer. She has been one of the kids teachers every summer along with one of the lifeguards.
(what's with the fingers in the mouth....urgg.. this really gets on my nerves-
is it genetic or do all kids do this?)
I am also thankful that our swimming lessons have been completed. This is our third summer of swim lessons and I am truly thankful for this opportunity. Our kids are on their way to being great swimmers. The lifeguards at the pool do a great job with the kids each year. I am always amazed at the progress they make from day 1 to day 5.
Peter was already swimming very well before lessons began. His teacher taught him how to swim under the water using the breaststroke and kicking legs. He learned how to dive to the bottom of the pool and retrieve a diving stick.

Emma definitely came a long way this week. Check out her skills on the video!

Here's Peter!

1 comment:

Buckingham Palace said...

My niece does that same thing! Must be all kids, so funny! I couldn't see the video of Emma for some reason, but good job to Peter!