Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Peter swallowed....

A Penny!!!!

Yes, that's right. I was in the kitchen preparing my Jewish Apple cake for the Wednesday night dinner when Peter sheepishly emerged from his room. He said, "mommy, I think I swallowed a penny". So I remained calm (which really wasn't a challenge since he was obviously not choking) and proceeded to ask him what he meant by what he just said. After I was confident that he wasn't in any emergent danger I continued with a nice spiritual application of "your body is a temple of God"....I wonder if that counts as a Bible lesson for the day?

I told him to return to his room to finish his quiet time and I finished making my cake. Then I googled "swallowed a penny" and found to several links and confirming information that we'll just wait for it to "come out". Next I emailed my friend who is an ER doc for his opinion then I checked on Peter- still fine and did what every good blogger would do....I recorded this entry!!!

I'll be sure to let you know how things go!


Mandy Leigh said...

oh my goodness....

And, that's all I have to say about that.

Buckingham Palace said...

has the penny come out yet? Please take a picture when it does. HAHAHAHA - okay don't do that.

Unknown said...

That's one way to deposit your $