Thursday, February 14, 2008

A snow day

As we were heading to bed last night I took a peak out the window and discovered that it was snowing and sticking! Sure enough when I woke up this morning we had a good accumulation of snow. I pulled out all of my winter/snow books that I had been saving and hoping to read on a snowy day. We piled together on the couch and read this morning as I was waiting for the temperatures to rise a bit before we headed outside. I was expecting a friend and her children this morning so I whipped up a loaf of Irish Raisin bread in my bread machine. However, we decided to reschedule for tomorrow morning instead. We finally got dressed and headed out to our snowy tundra.

Peter was definitely out with us but I just didn't get a picture of him. Our driveway was a sheet of ice which made it a bit frustrating for Ryan! However, I found a lid to one of our large plastic storage bins and made a sled out of it. Peter and I had fun sliding down the ever so small slope of our driveway. Ryan tried it a few times but wasn't quite as impressed.

After a snow ball fight and our toes got cold, we headed inside for some hot chocolate and raisin bread. We devoured over half the loaf so it was probably good that my friend didn't join us or we wouldn't have had enough!
It has been a fun snow day and now the snow is almost all melted! I hope we have more snow before the winter is over. It was a fun morning!

1 comment:

Buckingham Palace said...

you got a lot of snow! I am so jealous!!