Friday, February 8, 2008

A poet in our midst

This morning I told the kids that the weather turned cold and we would have to wear our jackets when we went out. When ever they hear "cold weather" it sets off some signal to ask for hot chocolate. So they asked and I consented. We had hot chocolate with our breakfast. Peter said to Emma, we should write a story or a poem about hot chocolate. Then he proceed to create his own. I wrote as he dictated. He refused my help so this is truly his own creation!

The Hot Chocolate Poem
By Peter Ace Chryst

The question is quite simple
But the answer is not
Because how will you know if your hot chocolate is hot
Or not?

How will you know with out taking a taste
How can you know with out taking a dip

Well how do you like your hot chocolate
Do you like it with paste
Or do you like it with marshmallows.

When do you like your hot chocolate?
Do you like it in the morning, afternoon or night
When the night birds sing in flight

So dear fellows, how do you like your hot chocolate
With out taking a sip or a dip.

He went on to dictate 3 more cat poems and and one about animals. They too were good but not as good as this one. Notice the rhyming words... he did that on his own also.


Unknown said...

DeAnne...this is VERY impressive! And, I keep meaning to tell you how much I think Peter looks like you!

Unknown said...

Wow, My grandson the poet. The power of being in a literate environment is evident here!!! I'm so proud of you all! Love, Granny

Mandy Leigh said...

That was so impressive...on so many different levels! And, it's making me crave some hot chocolate! I take a sip or a dip...hmmm??? Tell Peter he made Aunt Mandy want some hot chocolate :)