Saturday, January 26, 2008

land of the living

Well, I think we are beginning to get back into the "land of the living". Emma got smacked with a yucky stomach bug and spent all day Thursday and Friday on the couch throwing up. She is up this morning and on her way back. She was a really good patient. She wasn't bothered by throwing up. She was mostly upset because she wanted to know when she would get better and when she could eat again. I was very thankful at how well the boys handled the days. Somehow, Peter was able to stay fairly calm. I have been trying to figure out how and why he was so calm so I can try to keep him that way! I really think that by not having Emma around it just eliminated a lot of the things that he usually does that gets him wound up.

Even in the midst of being sick, Emma was so gentle and caring. She would often say to me, "Mommy, I'm ok. I'll be alright"; "Ryan, don't worry, I'll be ok". She would rub my arm or shoulder as I was sitting with her on the couch. She would ask me questions like, "Is God answering your prayers" (since I'm still throwing up); "How do Angels watch over me". It is really amazing to me what these little ones think about. I truly believe that they are able to process much more information then we give them credit for. I think we in society have "dumbed down" our conversation and expectations with toddlers, preschoolers and young ones. They really are smarter than we give them credit for!


Philip said...

Where's the pictures, we need more pictures!

Unknown said...

She's her mommy's daughter ( and her daddy's too!)Praise God