Saturday, September 19, 2009


As most of you know, Ryan is well....Ryan. He is such a blend of personalities. Just this morning, I noticed what I thought was crusty booger in his nose. So I grabbed a tissue and asked him to blow. Upon inspection, I realized that the crusty booger was a piece of a purple colored pencil! I am not sure how long it has been there but it was definitely overnight. It was one of those things that just made me laugh (inside of course) and realize that it's these things that will make him different from his siblings. He's doing all the things that Peter and Emma never did....and hopefully, Nathan won't either! Even though he definitely does quite a few things that cause frustration, he is a sweet little boy. He loves to sing to Nathan, help change his diaper and find his paci. I'm just a little nervous about what it will be like when it comes time for me to teach him how to read!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see my babies!!!!!
Nathan has grown so much!