Friday, October 14, 2011

Buzz cut

It again was time to oil the clippers and this time Nathan was on the docket. I have delayed his hair cut as long as possible. I even had a friend cut it when I knew he was close to getting sheared by his daddy.As we expected, he smiled all the way through the buzz and I was close to tears as my baby boys blonde hairs fell softly to the ground.

I'm not quite sure if I'll be able to endure this again. I might just weasel out the cost of taking Nathan with me when I get my hair cut so I can still rub my fingers through that baby blonde.

I must say with all three boys having just had a hair cut it is more than obvious that they are related! Can you see any resemblance in these two blondes?
Ryan at 2 years and 2 months.

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