Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a break...

My parents and their dog arrived late yesterday afternoon and will be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. There stay will be less than 48 hours but it is amazing how helpful it is to have two extra sets of hands for that short of time. Not long after they arrived, we sent them off to take Emma to gymnastics and they actually stayed and watched. Something Philip and I don't usually have the luxury of doing. Then they came back home and stayed with the 3 youngest so Philip could take Peter to Cub Scouts. Philip had the luxury of staying with Peter for the entire cub scouts and I was able to sneak away to the UMW mtg which conveniently and deliciously happened to be at a restaurant! That was just in their first 4 hours of being in Roxboro.So today, we took time to buy Pansies. We went to Lowes and bought a much needed new toilet seat that my Dad installed. We went shoe shopping and bought Peter a new pair of sneakers that he's needed for about a month.I took pictures and am actually posting them in real time! The days only a little half over.....It's been like a breath of fresh air.
Thanks Mom and Dad!

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