Saturday, April 9, 2011

First born

The house is relatively quiet and I'm resisting the urge to take a nap. I have been thinking for some time that I haven't actually recorded any of my thoughts about the kids or life lately. My time and mind has been on other things. Peter has been growing and maturing this winter like no other. Practically speaking he weighed in at his allergy check up at 4'5 and 70.2lbs. It's no wonder that I can hardly keep this boy full! His hopes and dreams right now are to play basketball for Duke and become an archeologist. I don't mind so much that he dreams of going to Duke because he knows full well that he has to make some amazing grades to get there! When he's not talking about basketball, his conversations usually fall to some other sport or perhaps a book he's read recently. I am thrilled that he has learned to wash dishes. His love for his baby brother has yet to wane. I love to see the care and interest he show Nathan. Admittingly, there are times when I have to declare Nathan "off limits" in order to keep him focused or to just give Nathan some space! He is bright, loving and respectful and I'm thankful that he's ours.

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