Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The fair

We made our traditional treck to the State fair last Friday. This year we were able to recruit even more grown-ups to join us so the adults outnumbered the kids!
Nathan's favorite part of the fair was all the animals! As you can see, he spotted the cows.
I'm not positive but I think one of Philip's favorites of the fair are the corn dogs! So they indulged in one for breakfast.Somehow, the ferris wheel was the big event for the kids. For weeks leading up to the fair, that was the topic of conversation! They were very excited to finally get way up in the sky.Nathan definitely gets the best trooper award. Thursday morning, I had a slight suspicion that he might have an ear infection. So I made an appt with the Dr. Low and behold, not only did he have an ear infection in both ears but also the early stages of pneumonia. The Pediatrician agreed that he was well enough (and not contagious) to go to the fair! We were glad that we spent only the morning because it gets pretty tricky to navigate the double stroller once the crowds arrive.

1 comment:

Mandy Leigh said...

wow. how great.
and hope Nathan's doing better!