Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Room time....

Well, I had begun to realize that my schedule for HS (homeschooling) wasn't working. We were doing the bulk of our learning while Ryan napped which is usually 12-2pm. The problem was that all of us were a bit groggy during this time so getting lessons done (with positive attitudes) was becoming a struggle. Having heard of the infamous "room time", I thought I'd give it a try. Peter and Emma's room and Ryan's room are connected by a small hallway with a large opening. I wanted them to have access to both rooms during this time so I jerry-rigged a gate! I used our coffee table to block the opening.
Day 1: The first attempt was made with Ryan and Emma sequester. Ryan stood at the coffee table and cried for a good 15- 20 minutes. Peter and I finished our lesson rather quickly and let the gates open! I quickly went to my HS forums and posted a plea for do you room train a toddler. Now armed with reassurance and the confirmation that "Yes" Ryan will cry but that will diminish, we tried again.
Day 2: Amazing- Ryan cried for maybe 3 minutes then he and Emma happily played (together, might I add) for 25 minutes. I was even able to swap Peter for Emma and bring Emma to the table for another 15 minutes of schooling for her! I was excited but not fully sure it would last. So today- Day 3- again a success. We were able to school for about an hour this morning! I feel like a new person and school feels like a refreshing time. It was so successful that I'm going to start to look for more things to do during this time with both Peter and Emma!
We stilled use Ryan's nap time to do our FIAR books and that works great! Who can resist a good story before naptime anyway.
Now I need to see if I can try the room time with all 3 while I fix dinner.....maybe next weeks project.

1 comment:

Buckingham Palace said...

That's awesome! Go ROOM TIME!