Monday, August 6, 2012

a decade

It's hard to decide which one is harder to believe- my first born is 10 today or that I've been a mommy for a decade.  Ten years seems like such a long time.  So much has happened in these 10 years in my life let alone in Peter's.  He's has been a rock since the very beginning.  He continues to be dependable, reliable, strong, loving, caring, playful, competitive, intriguing and so much more.  I love to see how his personality is shaping.  How he still looks a lot like his Daddy but is beginning to resemble my personality in so many ways.  He reminds me on myself in those ways that parents would rather ignore.  He's taken to sports this year with a passion.  He played soccer and kickball with a tremendous amount of team spirit and desire to improve.  He watched basketball and studied the players with an intensity that is shared with his Dad.  He taken up the hobby of collecting basketball and baseball cards, realizing that it's good to buy things with your money that will be lasting.  Peter takes the challenges of being the oldest in stride and relishes in the advantages of staying up late to watch Star Wars with his Dad. 
As you enter the next decade of your life, Peter, I pray that you will continue to grow in your knowledge and love for the Lord.  I hope that your heart will always be soften to those around you. 

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