Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sassafras fork farms

We had the pleasure of visiting with new friends at their home and farm. Ms. Kathleen, Mr. J. Ed and their daughter Stephanie are two years into running a naturally grown (almost organically certified) farm about 15 minutes out of Roxboro. Ms. Kathleen spoke with Philip recently and invited us to tour their farm and meet their new baby sheep. The offer was too good to refuse.

The highlight of the trip was getting to know Miss Prim. She is an orphaned lamb that is being cared for by our friends. She followed for the 3 hours we walked through the farm.
We collected eggs, saw their cows, visited the greenhouses, walked through a pasture of bulls, visited with Ms. Prim's other family members, checked out the baby birds, snacked on fresh veggies and learned all along the way. 
The farm is beautiful; so full of live and love.
Well, I guess Ms. Prim did get carried for a large portion of our farm tour!

We will be going back to check on our new favorite lamb. I can now completely relate to Mary and her little lamb.

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