Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Philip's super cool cousin got tickets for our family to go to a Veggie Tales Live Event in Wilmington last Saturday. It was the whole Veggie Tales gang on stage singing all the hits. Fun times!
On our way to the show, we stopped off at one of our old favorite past times - the Arboretum. It's a beautiful public garden done by the NC Cooperative Extension. It was a rainy and overcast morning but the azaleas were in full bloom.

It wasn't long after we arrived when Peter comes running back to where we were excitedly declaring, "Come quick; there are frogs mating". Yes, all 4 of my children dashed to follow and see the event. Yes, I consented and photographed the event but I will not post! I just love these kids.
We were all sad that the rain forced us away from this place before we had finished exploring and soaking in the beauty.

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