Friday, August 26, 2011

The big 9

I have become a very inconsistent blogger these past months. It's like 3 weeks since Peter's birthday and not even a peep from me about it. Yikes-We did celebrate the big day. The last year before double digits in grand style. He decided he wanted a "Ryan size" party. So we invited just about everyone we could think of, ordered a cake from Costco and played a great game of kickball.

Yes, this is a picture of Peter flinging Nathan across home plate. Yes, Nathan has a gigantic grin on his face. No, he didn't get hurt. Yes, Peter still adores his baby brother.
I found a picture recently of Peter's 5th birthday party. We had our neighbors and a family from church over. It's such a blessing to see how God has provided friends for our family over the years.
Peter is an amazing 9 year old. He has taught me a lot of over these 9 years.

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